
Donate to NOIVA

Support Projects

Your donation enables the continuous expansion of NOIVA's engagement in the Middle East. Thank you very much.


"Learn2Live" - Our Education Program
Support Mohammed with CHF 35 so he can make another month of important school progress and have hope for his future! Many refugee children in Jordan cannot read.

NOIVA Health

Our Urgent Health Initiative
Countless armed conflicts have left a trail of devastation in the Middle East: bombed cities, torn-up earth, burnt ruins. But it is the survivors who have suffered the greatest damage.

Family Support

We support individual families so that they can help themselves.

Regular Support

Become a Benefactor

We would like to continue and expand our work among refugees in Jordan. For this we depend on regular donations. Support NOIVA as a benefactor! With a monthly, freely selectable amount, you become part of our work.


Unsere Causes

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